The presented work deals with the study of pressure gradient impact on heat exchange in the heat exchanger channel. The purpose of the study is techniques developing for efficiency improving of heat exchanger operation by pressure gradient employing. The task of the study consisted in determining the effect of the pressure gradient presence in on the heat exchange in the channels of the KMS-2 heat exchanger, including various working fluid properties (values of the Prandtl number: Pr = 0.702-0.723; Pr = 0.65-0.66; Pr = 0.73-0.79). Local and average heat transfer coefficient values in the presence of a longitudinal pressure gradient in the heat exchanger channel from the gas path side were studied applying numerical simulation (Red = 3000-6000; acceleration factor K = 8.04-10-6-1.56-10-5). The study was performed employing open license and open source software, such as Salome and Code_Saturne, by the RANS approach with k-w-sst turbulence model involvement. Modeling conditions were being set according to the manufacturer’s data for heat exchanger-heater of the KMS-2 type. Based on the obtained results of numerical simulation, it is given an estimate on pressure gradient impact on the heat exchange intensity for various working fluids, such as air, helium, carbon dioxide, in the channel of the upgraded heat exchanger.
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