Heating of anisotropic thermal protection coating spherical layer segment


Zarubin V. S.*, Leonov V. V.**, Zarubin V. S.

Bauman Moscow State Technical University, MSTU, 5, bldg. 1, 2-nd Baumanskaya str., Moscow, 105005, Russia

*e-mail: zarubin@bmstu.ru
**e-mail: lv-05@mail.ru


While hypersonic flow-around of a spacecraft (SC) blunting in the form of a spherical sur­face section, the so-called shock layer with rather high values of pressure and air temperature emerges between the detached head wave front and the surface flown-around. It leads to the in­tensive convective and radiant heat transfer at the blunting surface even in conditions of high-al­titude flight in rarefied atmosphere layers.

The article presents setting and solution of the non-stationary thermal conductivity problem at nonaxisymmetric hypersonic flow-around of a spherical blunting segment of a SC nose cone. The thermal-protective layer material possesses the thermal conductivity anisotropy, characteri­zed by the thermal-conductivity coefficients ratio lengthwise and crosswise the layer. The tem­perature over the metal force shell of the nose cone is assumed uniform. The spherical segment heating process while SС letdown in the Earth atmosphere along the typical slide-down trajecto­ry with the fixed value of balancing angle of attack, close to the central semi-angle of the spherical segment, is considered. The problem of non-stationary heat transfer in the segment of the sphe­rical thermal-protective coating with its ideal thermal contact with metallic shell at given laws of variation in time and over the outer surface of coating the heat flow density, supplied to the this surface, possessing self-radiation, described by the Stefan-Boltzmann law. The article pre­sents the results of numerical solution of this problem applying explicit finite-difference scheme. Comparison of temperature distributions along the great-circle arc, passing through segment pole and through the critical point of heat flow density maximum at laminar mode of hypersonic flow-around of the coating outer surface from both anisotropic and isotropic mate­rials. The effect of temperature decrease in the critical point vicinity in case of material from anisotropic coating compared to the material from isotropic one was educed.


blunting hypersonic flow-around, spherical layer segment of thermal protection, thermal conductivity anisotropy of coating material, laminar flow-around mode.


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