Methodology for calculating the temperature distribution over the cross section of the turbine blade made of heat-resistant nickel-based alloy


Ratenko O. A.

Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation, 20, Kronshtadskiy Bulvar, Moscow, 125993, Russia


Turbine blades made of heat-resistant nickel-based alloys are subjected to microstructural changes due to high temperatures. Microstructural changes that have a significant impact on the blade material’s durability include coarsening and growth of the particles of main hardening y’-phase. Due to high cost of the turbine blades replacement, the main challenge is to evaluate the alloy microstructure changes caused by high temperatures exposure. The paper presents a methodology for calculating the temperature distribution over the cross section of the turbine blade of a gas turbine engine, which allows to determine the temperature of the material of the blade at any point of the blade cross section and to predict changes in microstructure caused bytransformation of y’-phase.


heat-resistant nickel-based alloys, turbine blades, y'-phase, microstructural change, coagulation.


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