It is proposed to set integral thermodynamic characteristics of rotary-translational (vortex) gas flow based on their comparison with values at its throttling taking into account that both these processes are substantially irreversible. It is quite obvious that the nonuniform temperature field in each cross section of the vortex flow in the circular tube is such that the axis temperature cannot be lower than the isentropic expansion temperature of the gas. A description is given of the vortex effect in the tangential nozzle with the snail shaped along the Archimedes spiral with a cylindrical tube into which gas is supplied at high speed, so that an intense circular flow is formed. Calculations are given under the following assumptions:
1) Temperature of mixing of hot and cold gases generated in vortex pipe is close to temperature of gas throttling process termination at the same temperature and pressure before compared technical devices and at the same pressures at their outlet;
2) Gas temperature on the axis of the vortex tube cannot be lower than the isentropic expansion temperature of the gas from the inlet pressure to the outlet pressure.
Verification of the proposed assumptions was carried out for gaseous air and methane using known experimental data for them in the range of thermodynamic parameters change at the inlet of the vortex tube and at the outlet of the vortex tube, which has practical applications. Proposed method is applicable to determination of thermodynamic parameters in vortex effect of Rank— Hilsch not only for air and methane considered in operation, but also for other gases.
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