The article considers the problem of matrix composite effective thermal conductivity in the presence of contact thermal resistance at the boundary between the matrix and inclusions. In the beginning, the variants of generalization of Maxwell and Maxwell-Garnett approximations pro- posed by earlier explorers in the event of accounting for contact thermal resistance in the matrix composite with spherical single-type inclusions were discussed. A technique for accounting for thermal resistance at the boundary between the matrix and inclusions in the composite, based on the composite model with inclusions with thin shell was proposed hereafter. The thickness and thermal conductivity of the inclusions shells are being selected based on the contact thermal re- sistance. The generalized effective-field approximation, previously developed by the authors, is used for the composite effective thermal conductivity calculation.
The equation for effective thermal conductivity of the composite with single-type spherical inclusions in on dependence thermal conductivities of the matrix, shells and cores of inclusions was obtained. Model calculations were carried out for the ED-20 composite as a matrix and spherical inclusions from the aluminum-borosilicate glass. The inclusions radius was being as- sumed as 0.5 μm. The effective thermal conductivity of the said composite was computed de- pending on relative shell thickness as well as volume fraction of the inclusions.
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