In this work, the possibilities of using PTC-heaters (PTC is Positive Temperature Coeffi- cient) in order to ensure the temperature mode of peripherally located instruments of spacecraft were analyzed. The useful effect of the self-tuning PTC-heaters is manifested in the fact that in order to maintain a stable temperature, it is not necessary to use a temperature sensor and con- nect the power supply system to the controller. In the course of the study, the authors created a Demonstrator of a thermal management system based on an PTC-heater. With the help of this Demonstrator (in atmospheric conditions) it was shown how is possible to organize thermosta- ting of the device without feedback and without a control unit. Further, a mathematical model was developed, with the help of which an atmospheric laboratory experiment was simulated. The mathematical model made it possible to reproduce the actual characteristics of the PTC- heater, its thermal connections with other elements of the system, as well as its interaction with the environment. Then, with a verified computer model, the behavior of the Demonstrator in a vacuum was studied. A computational experiment made it possible to study the effect of various parameters on the characteristics of the system. The authors give recommendations for the pre- paration of an experienced flight demonstrator of the temperature control system of an instru- ment containing an PTC-heater. The results obtained may be of interest to specialists involved in ensuring the temperature mode of spacecraft equipment.
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