The article proposes numerical technique for ionized high-speed flow computing in condi- tions of thermal and chemical non-equilibrium, accounting for interaction of moving electrically conductive continuous medium with electromagnetic field. It pays special attention to electrical conductivity computing of such gas based on the analysis of molecules collisions integrals and thermal motion of electrons. Ionized high-speed flows are described by a fully coupled system of equations, which includes the equations of continuity, momentum, total energy, rotational energy, vibrational energy, electron energy, and mass conservation of chemical components. Electrical conductivity is determined through the kinetic theory. In addition to the basic transport equations, the developed mathematical model includes energy exchange mechanisms such as translational-electron energy transfer, electron-vibrational energy transfer, translational- rotational energy transfer, translational-vibrational energy transfer, vibrational-vibrational ener- gy transfer, as well as electromagnetic field computing and chemical kinetics. The developed method was being employed for numerical simulation of interaction physics of magnetic field with ionized flow such as:
1) Ram-C flight experiment;
2) Zeimer experimental studies in magneto-electrodynamics;
3) Flow acceleration at the scramjet outlet.
Computational results obtained with the suggested technique agree satisfactory with the ex- perimental data and computational results obtained by other authors. The article demonstrates the distance fr om the head shock wave to the forward critical point increases under the impact of the magnetic field. Since the magnetic force tends to oppose the flow across the magnetic field lines, the applied field effect consists in the flow slow-down in areas wh ere the local inter- action parameter is higher.
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