Analysis of the possibility of measuring the internal thermal flow of the Moon using surface termoprobes


Dudkin K. K.

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



This article consider six sensors to measure the density of the internal heat flux of the moon: a sensor with a thermally insulated side and upper surfaces, a sensor with a thermally insulated side and thermostatically controlled upper surface, a sensor with a thermally insulated side surface, an H-type sensor, a battery heat flow sensor (BHFS), and a gradient heat flow sensor (GHFS).The results of the analysis excludes immediately sensor with thermally insulated surfaces, a sensor with a thermally insulated side and thermostatically controlled upper surface, and a sensor with thermally insulated side surface, of a practical use, as in lunar conditions they do not produce reliable measurements or their use is associated with technical problems.The H-shaped thermal probe does not produce correct results when measuring the heat flux, according modelling. A battery sensor with thermocouples is not widely used nowadays due to technological problems when manufacturing, high contact thermo-resistance, and poor accuracy compared to similar but more advanced GHFS.As for the accuracy of the GHFS, there is data only on calibration for these type sensors in a literature [11] where an error of no more than 1% for the heat flux achieved. It is necessary to carry on experiments approximating lunar conditions as near as possible.Despite the foregoing, the GHFS sensor can be recommended for further analysis of its accuracy for use in research spacecraft.


Moon exploration, heat flux density of Moon, heat flux density sensors, heat flux density.


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