An oil drop heating modelling at unstable motion in the spray chamber


Sinitsyn N. N., Telin N. V., Andreev A. S., Andreev A. S.

Cherepovets State University , 5 Lunacharsky Pr., Cherepovets, Vologda region, Russia, 162600


The article presents mathematical description of the drop of oil heating process at the un-steady motion in the spray chamber according to the straight-through arrangement. A numerical modelling of the drop of oil heating process is presented. A mathematical description of the process of heating a drop of oil with unsteady movement in the spray chamber according to the direct-flow circuit is given. A numerical simulation of the process of heating an oil drop is pre-sented. Dependencies for computing the time of an oil drop complete heating, and dependences for determining the coordinates of the droplet trajectory at the moment of its complete heating are proposed.


spray chamber, drop of oil, equation of motion, thermal conductivity equation, temperature gradient, unstable motion, trajectory.


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