Energy separation in vortex tubes with laminar flow in the nozzle input


Piralishvili S. A.1*, Vasilyuk O. V.2

1. ,
2. Rybinsk State Aviation Technical University named after P.A. Soloviev, RSATU, 53, Pushkin St., Rybinsk, Yaroslavl region, 152934, Russia



The Ranque effect theory still remains incompletely solved notwithstanding the attempts ofseveral generations of researchers. The devices previously studied by many authors operate under conditions of sonic velocity at their inlets and turbulent flow in the energy separation cham- ber. This allowed most researchers to conclude that generation of large-scale vortices with in- tense flow turbulence was the cause of energy redistribution. However, the issue of optimal conditions and the possibility of obtaining the effect of energy separation in a laminar flow in the vortex tube is still open. The object of the study is a countercurrent vortex tube of cylindri- cal shape with a 20 mm diameter. The inlet tangential swirling nozzles are made in the form of a rectangle with a relative area of Fsw = 0.1 .The cooled flow removal is performed through the diaphragm with a relative radius of rd = 0.7 . The presented geometrical parameters allow achieving the highest effects of energy separation. Computational results allowed elicit the de- pendence of the relative heating and cooling effects for different vortex tubes on the Reynolds number in the inlet nozzle, and the dependence of the cooled flow share on the inlet pressure values. Various flow stream patterns have been obtained, which allowed determine the reason of energy separation in vortex tubes at the laminar flow mode. It was confirmed that the process of energy separation in vortex tubes with a laminar supply of a compressible fluid in the nozzle section is accomplished by the large-scale vortices, similar to calculations at turbulent regimes, but with lower efficiency.


vortex tube, laminar flow, energy separation, turbulence, secondary vortex structures.


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