
Kuzma-Kichta Y. A.1*, Lavrikov A. V.1, A. 2, A. 3, Ivanov N. S.1**, N. 3, N. 3

1. National Research University “Moscow Power Engineering Institute”, 14, Krasnokazarmennaya str., Moscow, 111250 Russia
2. ,
3. Moscow Power Engineering Institute (National Research University), 14, Krasnokazarmennaja St., Moscow, 111250, Russia

*e-mail: kuzma@itf.mpei.ac.ru
**e-mail: ivanovniks@mpei.ru


Using of compact microchannel heat exchangers can to increase technics efficiency and re- duce it environmental impact. In this paper the heat transfer crisis was investigated during water boiling in a microchannel without coating and with coating from aluminum oxide nanoparticles. Experiments were performed on advanced installation with horizontally located microchannel with dimensions of 12.5´3´0.2 mm. Data of critical heat flux were received in a microchannel with solid supply lines. This supply lines led to decrease the heat flux fluctuations in the boi- ling. It was found that during boiling in a microchannel with open circulation circuit if the length of outlet section decreases, the critical heat flux increases. Calculation of the critical heat flux in a microchannel without coating and with coating fromnanoparticles, carried out by formulas for heat transfer crisis in a horizontal pipe with microporous coatingand onesided heating. For microchannel coated with nanoparticles, the critical heat flux was calculated without effect of liquid subcooling and initial section. In calculating the thickness of the layer from nanoparticles is chosen equal to 500 nm, the particle size is chosen equal to 50 nm. It is obtained satisfactory agreement between the experimental and calculated data. Also it is evaluated of pore size in a coating from nanoparticles. However, the data array is limited and needs to be expanded, which will improve the equations for calculating critical heat flux in a microchannel.


microchannel, nanoparticles, critical heat flux, heat transfer crisis, heat transfer intensification, porous coating.


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