The work is dedicated to ground thermal test conducting of space vehicles and its compo- nents. Well-planned thermal vacuum tests (TVT) of spacecraft flight models serve as complex acceptance tests and provide performance and interaction tests of spacecraft systems in outer space conditions. So the task of thermal vacuum testing acceptability in the selected thermal vacuum chamber (TVC) rapid assessment becomes actual. The reradiation value role is shown in the steady-state heat exchange problem in a system with several isothermal nodes with radia- tion conductance. Further in the work the simplified quasi two-dimensional two-body radiation interaction problem in a system of a cryogenic shroud and a test subject is reviewed. An im- portant factor, affecting the TVC selection, is ratio of test subject and TVC working area cha- racteristic dimensions. Accordingly, a possible set of reradiation function parameters, which is the generalized radiant interaction characteristic of thermal vacuum chamber construction and a test subject, is shown on the example of the reviewed problem. To estimate a value of thermal vacuum chamber shroud radiation heat flow effect on the test subject temperature, it is suggested in the work that the subject temperature should be compared to its temperature during flight «cold» scenarios tests, when there is no external heat flows and specific internal heat loads are in standby mode. Additional heat flow from TVC to the test subject and corresponding subject temperature increment dependency on the reradiation value and test subject characteristics, such as heat load and emissivity, is identified for TVT «cold» cases. The analysis of the temperature increment due to TVC influence in the «cold» cases allowed proposing the method of thermal vacuum testing acceptability in the selected thermal vacuum chamber rapid assessment under certain reradiation value. The method described in the work allows either to show the necessity of reradiation value minimization or, in case of impossibility of such minimization, to make a conclusion of unsuitability of selected TVC for conducting TVT of the test subject.
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