Studying steam bubble growth and oscillations on a flat heating surface in a large volume


Ustinov D. A., Sidenkov D. V., Kuzma-Kichta Y. A.*, Ustinov A. A., Ustinov A. K.

National Research University “Moscow Power Engineering Institute”, 14, Krasnokazarmennaya str., Moscow, 111250 Russia



The present study of steam center of steam formation was performed on a flat surface being heated, in a large volume of liquid. The working section represented a glass prism made of po- lished heat-resistant glass of the 18×30×30 mm size. Optical measuring system included single- mode helium-neon laser as a radiation source, and FD-24 photo-diode as a radiation receiver. The steam bubble oscillations studying technique was based on the scattered radiation fixation of the probing laser beam by the bubble surface. The conducted experiments allowed obtaining for the first time the phase portraits of the probing laser beam oscillation intensity, occurring due to optical non-uniformities above the continuously operating steam center. Steam bubbles oscillations while their growth at the steam center and breaking from the heating surface were continuously recorded. Phase portraits in the phase area represent a complex of closed orbits of various scales. The obtained time signals of the probing laser radiation reflected from the steam bubble surface and their analysis give evidence of chaotic steam bubble oscillations process, and difference from the accepted dependence of the steam bubble growth on time. Diameters of steam bubbles at departure, measured by the direct method, were of 1.5 mm. Experimental data obtained in the present work will allow clarifying the classical theory of boiling.


vapor bubble, vaporization center, oscillations, phase portrait, laser.


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