The paper is devoted to the problem of optimal design of multilayer thermal protection, including a layer of highly porous cellular material. The desired vector of design parameters should ensure a minimum of total mass of the system and required operation temperatures on the boundaries of layers. Traditional methods for solving such a problem implies the determination of layers thickness for multi-layer thermal protection and suggest, that thermal properties of all materials composed the layers are available in a wide range of temperatures. In present work, the design parameters vector includes porosity and cell diameter, which characterize the structure of a highly porous cellular material, in addition to the thicknesses of the layers. The optimization problem is solved using a computational scheme, which combines two well-known methods: the projected Lagrangian method with the quadratic subproblem and the penalty func tion method. The penalty function method is characterized by a large region of convergence and provides a good initial estimate of the optimal parameters’ values for the projected Lagrangian method with excellent local convergence properties. To illustrate the capabilities of developed algorithm and corresponding software, the problem of choosing of optimal parameters for the flat three-layer heat shield of a solar probe exposed to extreme radiative heat loads was solved. The obtained results confirm the correctness and effectiveness of developed algorithm for optimal design of multilayer thermal protection, taking into account the structure of highly porous cellular materials. The method is applicable for solving a wide range of thermal design problems, including the design of advanced thermal protection systems for spacecraft operating under conditions of extreme thermal loads such as solar and planetary probes.
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ULTRAMET Advanced Materials Solutions. Ultramet. Pacoima, 2018. Available at: open-cell-foams-carbon-ceramic-and-metal/properties-of- foam-materials (accessed 19.07.2019 г.) — informational site of MAI Copyright © 2009-2025 by MAI |