The article discusses numerical simulation results of a porous medium represented by a cubic packing. As the result of modeling, the following stationary distribution patterns of parameters were obtained: the temperatures of the ball backfill and gas, as well as the longitudinal velocity component in the pore space. The obtained flow patterns allow determining the nature of heat transfer in the ball backfill in a wide range of Reynolds numbers. Analysis of the distribution pattern temperature revealed that small Reynolds numbers are characteristic to the presence of a higher temperature in the package center section, while the temperature increases from the center to the periphery for large Reynolds numbers. Analysis of the obtained fields of the velocity longitudinal component and the current lines in the pore space allows note the uneven velocity field behind the ball package layer. A detailed examination of the flow fields in the pore space leads to the conclusion that the role of thermal conductivity in the solid matrix is dominant in the heat transfer mechanism. Also, thermal and hydraulic characteristics of hydrodynamics and heat transfer in a wide range of Reynolds numbers are determined by the calculation method, taking into account the dependence of the thermal properties of the gas moving through it on temperature. The article presents a comparison of thermal-hydraulic characteristics with experimental data, which shows satisfactory compliance. Analysis of the obtained results allows conclude that numerical simulation can be used to determine the integral characteristics of the heat exchanger with ball backfill
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