In the work, on available in the literature sources of experimental data on heat transfer and critical heat flux at boiling of various liquids on the microstructured surfaces made by the deforming cutting method, recommendations for prediction of heat transfer coefficients and critical heat fluxes are received. Microstructured surfaces allow to intensify the heat transfer is 1.1 to 6 times. Due to the variable wettability of microstructured surfaces elements, critical heat fluxes increase before 4 times. The proposed criteria equations allow predicting heat transfer coefficients with an error of 30%, and critical heat fluxes with an error of ±(30...35)%. In order to improve the accuracy of forecasting, the possibility of using an artificial neural network model for generalizing heat transfer coefficients is shown. Forecasting using an artificial neural network model allows you to determine the heat transfer coefficients with an error of ±20%.Theequations are of interest for designing cooling systems for microelectronic devices, heat and mass transfer devices, boiling zones of heat pipes and thermosyphons, etc.
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