Modern high-power and high-frequency radar systems require the development of new com- pact cooling systems with improved operating parameters. This paper presents a manufacturing technique and test results for the thermal models of transmit-receive modules (TPM) of an ac- tive phased antenna array in which the two-stage cooling system is realized. Two variants of X-band modules with built-in flat plate heat pipes used as heat-spreading elements and located outside the casing of TPM or inside under the radio-electronic cell are considered. The tests were carried out under the conditions of usage of the external liquid-based cooling system at various angles of inclination of thermal models relative to the direction of gravity. Based on the test results, the change in the heating temperature of the active electronic elements of the module and of the surface of heat pipes was determined. Tests have shown the possibility of using of the flat plate heat pipes with a thickness of 2.2 mm for cooling a TPM with a total heat release power of 80 W even under the action of gravity. Maximum temperature of the electronic elements was not higher than allowable 75°C and 80°C for the cases of horizontal and inclined orientation of the models, respectively. To determine the efficiency of the heat pipes, a comparison was made, in which instead of heat pipes the solid copper plates of the same thickness and in-plane size were installed. Improvement of the cooling performance of the system with mounted heat pipes is shown and validated experimentally.
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