The thermal mode control of the space X-ray telescope by the optimal solutions method


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Space Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences , 84/32, Profsoyuznaya str, Moscow, 117997, Russia



A new method for spacecraft thermal mode control was recommended. This method has been named the optimal solutions method. It is based on three principles. The first one is the joint scaling of thermal problems and models when the problem being solved corresponds to the most appropriate type of mathematical model. The second is the organization of rational information exchange between models of various types. The third is the recovery of the mathematical model parameters from the results of an experiment, which has been optimized for these purposes. For this, the inverse thermal problem is used. The first and second principles provide the thermal models continuity while the model becomes more complex during design development. These principles also mean that all the accumulated information is stored and transferred from the lower-level model to the high-level model. The application of the third principle reduces the error generated by model parameters that have a large scatter and an ambiguous dependence on temperature. The method uses a set of mathematical models. This set includes multi-format nodal and finite element models. This method was applied to the Pavlinsky telescope ART-XC, which is part of the Spektr-RG space observatory. This observatory is currently surveying the sky from the L2 libration point. ART-XC is the first Russian mirror X-ray telescope. The optimal solutions method made it possible to provide a precision thermal mode of its main elements – X-ray mirrors and detectors. At the same time, a positive result received in the absence of experience in thermal control of these objects and in the presence of a critical dependence of their operation from the accuracy and stability of the temperature mode. The successful operation of the telescope confirmed the method correctness. This shows that the method is applicable for solving new problems of advanced spacecraft thermal control.


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