The possibility of using powerful AC plasmatrons Zvezda for gasification of water-coal suspensions


1, Rebrov S. G.1*, Golikov A. N.1**, A. 1, A. 2, A. 3

1. State Scientific Center of the Russian Federation “Keldysh Research Center”, Moscow, Russia
2. LLC "Amalthea-Service", Sumskoi proezd, 8-2-95, Moscow, 117208, Russia
3. LLC "Technopodzemenergo", Kirova street, 1/147, Lyubertsy, Moscow region, 140002, Russia



Experiments were carried out that demonstrated the possibility of effective gasification of the water-coal suspension when it is directly supplied to the chamber of a powerful AC plasmatron Zvezda the arc channels of which operate on gas. The chamber acts as a plasma-chemical reactor. A great advantage of the use of Zvezda-type plasmatrons is the possibility of achieving the high rates of the gasification process and the possibility of operating in a wide range of pressures and temperatures. The parametric calculations of the equilibrium composition of gasification products revealed a number of results characterizing the energy efficiency and environmental safety of the water-coal suspension gasification process. It turned out that in the case of air operation of plasmatron, conversion of carbon-containing substances in it allows almost complete removal of such harmful component as nitrogen oxide from exhaust. Optimization of carbon content in water-coal suspension allows to obtain such gasification modes in which there is practically no carbon in condensed phase at the outlet and carbon dioxide content is minimized. The energy efficiency of the gasification process, which is characterized by the ratio of the chemical caloric content of the output synthesis gas to the energy invested in the arc discharges of the plasmatron, for the considered gasification modes exceeds 1.7. The calorie content of the output mixture for the air operation of the plasmatron is of the order of 7 MJ/kg, but it can be increased to a value greater than 12 MJ/kg when carbon dioxide is used as the working medium of the plasmatron.


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