Research of electrostatic fields influence on heat transfer at free convection of kerosene


Altunin K. V.

Kazan National Research Technical University named after A.N. Tupolev, Kazan, Russia



The article presents the results of experimental and theoretical research with liquid hydrocarbon fuel (coolant) under free and electric convection. The references review was carried out due to the theme of research and primarily focused on electric convection application closely. It is widely known that it is possible to increase heat transfer coefficient without use of multifarious types of so-called passive heat transfer intensification ways including application of special inserted intensifiers (e.g., screw, local and plate flow swirlers), various finning of heat transfer surface, creation of concave recesses, etc. Some main advantages of using electric fields in various media have been observed. It has been found that application of electric fields is an effective way of not only intensification of heat transfer, but also mass transfer processes that makes it possible to increase intensity of such processes by as much as 2-10 times. There are an experimental setup scheme and a working area picture with electric fields in the article. Appropriate pressure was set in a special chamber (so-called high-pressure bomb) during experiments, a small steel plate was heated by Joule heat, electrodes in the form of coaxial needles were placed between the plate, and an electrostatic field was created between these needle-shape electrodes. Afterwards it has been found that it is real to increase heat transfer coefficient in the TS-1 kerosene medium further when increasing a number of coaxial needle-shape electrodes. An experimental optical Tepler installation was successfully used and made it possible to visualize influence of an electric wind on heat processes. A new electric convection number was created by the article author, and this is based upon electric voltage, specific electrical resistance, a distance between electrodes and heat flux. Some research results are shown as special graphs here. A generalization has been made in the form of new criterion equations with the created electric convection number. In addition, in should be said that the new electric convection number as experimental and theoretical studies show can be suitable for accurate description of electrostatic fields influence in the medium of TS-1 kerosene, but it may be successfully used for creation of various heat transfer equations based on research in other hydrocarbon media. It is interesting to notice that special areas of electrical intensity were found while generalizing the experimental data, where heat transfer coefficients α were in a certain range. Similar results were obtained at other pressures. Thus, it seems to be evident that the use of electrostatic fields cannot but influence the overall enhancement of heat transfer in the medium of aviation kerosene. And the main goal of research has been successfully achieved because the new electric convection equations have been created that makes it possible to describe simultaneous influence of electrostatic fields at natural convection with appropriate accuracy.


Research of electrostatic fields influence on heat transfer at free convection of kerosene


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