
Kryuchkov M. D.

Corporation Moscow Institute for Heat Technology, 10, Beryozovaya alleya St., Moscow, 127273, Russia

e-mail: max_finger@mail.ru


When creating modifications of launch vehicles, it is necessary to carry out a multivariate analysis from the earliest design stages in order to select the most promising option. One of significant criteria for the qualitative selection of one or another option may be the values of the maximum heat fluxes affecting the payload elements. The article considers the choice of the moment of the nose fairing separation and separation of the rocket blocks of a modular-type launch vehicle according to the criterion of the maximum heat fluxes affecting the payload. The Sutton-Graves formula is used for preliminary design estimates of heat fluxes on payloads. The results of calculating heat fluxes at characteristic points of the trajectory are presented. It is shown that the heat fluxes acting on the payload in the case of the head fairing separation after the end of the first stage is 2.35 times higher than the heat fluxes acting on the payload in the case of the head fairing separation after the end of the second stage operation. The article analyzes the difficulties that arise in the implementation of various options and makes a qualitative choice of the launch vehicle structural scheme in favor of the third-stage modular rocket block separation option.


The choice of the structural and layout scheme of the launch vehicle with modular-type rocket blocks according to the criterion of heat fluxes affecting the payload elements


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