Numerical study of heat transfer characteristics and friction factor for staggered circular and drop-shaped double tubes bundles


Deeb R.

Damascus University, Syria, Damascus



In the present study, hydrodynamics and heat transfer of a staggered double circular and drop-shaped tubes bundles in cross-flow is studied numerically. The analysis is based on a 2-D computational domain consisting of 6-rows and 15-columns using the commercial software ANSYS Fluent. The work was performed for the range of Reynolds numbers Re = 1.3⋅103 ~ 18.7⋅103, while the longitudinal spacing SL is 37, and 46.25 mm. Simulated results agree well with those available in the literature. Correlations of the average Nusselt number Nuav and a friction factor f in terms of Reynolds number, calculated by the maximum flow velocity in the minimum free cross section, for the studied bundles were presented. Results indicate that an increase in the longitudinal spacing from 37 mm to 46.25 mm does not greatly affect the average Nusselt number of drop-shaped tubes bundles. Friction factor decreases with increasing Re for all investigated cases. Due to the lower pressure drop through the drop-shaped tubes bundle, drop-shaped tubes have a lower pumping power compared to a circular one with the same heat transfer surface and under the same operating conditions. The thermal-hydraulic performance of the double drop-shaped tubes bundle is about 4.47 ~ 5.47 times greater than the circular one.


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