The article deals with the heat balance, occurring when solid gas-generator propellant with a high metal content burning. According to traditional concepts of solid propellant combustion, heat release in the condensed phase of solid propellant (С-phase) is ensured by the oxidizer decomposition (ammonium perchlorate) as a part of the propellant composition. The article demonstrates that ammonium perchlorate, being a part of gas-generator propellant, is unable to maintain the heat balance in the condensed phase of the propellant required for combustion.
To verify the assumption that the missing heat comes from the gaseous phase in the form of the heat flow, the article recounts the technique for computing the heat flow coming from the gaseous phase while the fuel burning and performs its computation. Low burning velocity, low heat generation in the gas generator chamber and moderate temperature of gases lead to the fact that gases formed while the fuel burning move in laminar mode in the free volume of the gas generator chamber. It allows employing the so-called «Zeldovich burning model» to determine the heat flow, entering from the gas phase to the condensed phase. As the calculations presented in the article show, the heat flow from the gas phase to the condensed phase, which forms due to the flammable gases burning, appears to be low. Metal particles carried from the solid fuel surface by the gas flow are not able to burn in the gaseous phase. Thus, while the solid fuel burning the gaseous phase is not able to maintain necessary for burning thermal balance in the condensed phase. The inference is being drawn in the article that combustion of the propellant under consideration is possible only with the presence of extra heat sources in the condensed phase. Based on the available literary data, oxidation of metal, as a part of the propellant, by the oxidant decomposition products directly under the condensed phase conditions is being considered as such source.
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