In real polycrystals, the crystallites are separated fr om each other by an intergranular space which can be considered as one of components in a given material because the structure of location of atoms in them differs from structure of atoms in crystallites. As a result, the material characteristics of the intergranular and crystalline phases differ significantly. The present paper discusses the problem of calculating the effective thermal conductivity of a polycrystalline material taking into account intergranular gaps. Two methods have been proposed for predicting the effective thermal conductivity of polycrystalline textured materials taking into account intergranular gaps. The first method is based on polycrystal model with the non-uniform crystallites consisting of a uniform anisotropic core and a uniform isotropic shell. To calculate the effective thermal conductivity tensor, a generalized effective field approximation is used. In this method, the intercrystalline phase is modeled by crystallite shells. The second method uses a matrix composite model and a generalized singular approximation. In this method, the intercrystalline phase is taken as a matrix in which homogeneous anisotropic crystallites are immersed. In both models crystallites are considered as spherical, orientations of crystallographic axes of crystallites are considered distributed under some probabilistic law. Based on the proposed methods, model calculations were carried out for tin and graphite polycrystals. It was shown that: 1) both methods give close results if the thermal conductivities of the intergranular and crystalline phases have the same order; 2) in the case wh ere the thermal conductivity of the intergranular phase is several orders of magnitude smaller than that of the crystalline phase, the second method gives a very overestimated result.
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