The aim of the work was to determine the efficiency of using flat finned tubes obtained by extrusion with subsequent processing by deforming cutting, and to test approaches for numerical calculation of a finned-tube oil radiator and an air cooling device for oil in power plants and compressor stations. On the basis of various efficiency criteria, the choice of geometric parameters of samples of the heat exchange section in the form of a finned flat tube for an air cooling device (ACD) was made and justified. Based on the results of numerical studies and partial comparison with experimental data, it can be concluded that the use of numerical research methods allows us to reliably and accurately predict the thermal-hydraulic characteristics of finned-tube oil radiators. Based on the methods of numerical simulation of convective heat transfer, a calculation method was developed and tested using the representation of the finned part of the heat transfer surface in the form of porous inserts. The developed method reduces the requirements for equipment for numerical modeling and reduces the calculation time. Numerical studies of the thermohydraulic characteristics of some developed types of ACD of oil showed a discrepancy with the design values for thermal power and revealed the reasons for this discrepancy. Based on numerical studies, a number of recommendations have been developed for further improvement of ACD of oil layout solutions to improve its thermal efficiency and aerodynamic perfection.
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