Interface oscillations investigation in chaotic processes. Overview of investigations


Kuzma-Kichta Y. A.1*, Y. 2

1. National Research University “Moscow Power Engineering Institute”, 14, Krasnokazarmennaya str., Moscow, 111250 Russia
2. ,



Interface oscillations under film and bubble boiling on horizontal tube and marine surface deviations were considered. The characteristics of interface oscillations obtained by laser and acoustic diagnostics at boiling of water and Freon-113 are presented. It was shown that the heat flux by interface oscillations at film boiling can reach 80% from total heat flux. The paradoxical influence reasons of low conductivity coating on film boiling heat transfer were analyzed by temperature wall calculation. It was calculated one-dimensional non-stationary conductivity task with non-linear boundary conditions – in time changed vapor film thickness. Interface indignations through vapor bubble detachment in neighborhood of upper tube generatrix lead to that the interface oscillations fade away and them characteristics correspond to regime of deterministic chaos. The oscillations of vapor bubble that is growing on the wall were investigated by radiation beam that is equal with him maximal dimension. The interconnection of interface and pressure in liquid oscillations was investigated by spectral analysis of optical and acoustic sensors signals. Установлено, что происходят колебания как формы, так It was established that the changes of vapor bubble form and volume occur. The vapor bubble oscillations when is growing on the wall were described by mode. Solving a system of equations that describe the vapor bubble growth on the wall was showed that Lyapunov exponents become positive under certain conditions and vapor bubble oscillations turn out chaotic. The surface excitements spectrum were presented that were obtained under investigation the marine surface and was showed that they describe the stochastic processes on sea surface and energy distribution on wave numbers and spatial and cyclic frequencies.


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