The work further developed a set of theoretical and software tools developed by the author for the study, prediction and optimization of high-temperature materials, partially transparent to electromagnetic radiation, in which the radiation mechanism plays a significant role in heat exchange at high temperatures. The models of the complex, based on the consistent use of the concept of a representative element, allow taking into account not only the structural laws of materials, the thermo-physical and electrical properties of the constituent substances, but also the features (in particular, anisotropy) of radiation in their volume, as well as a wide range of external conditions. After tuning the model to the experimental data (thermo-physical or spectral), it is possible to calculate the required characteristics of materials as a whole, to study the physical processes occurring in heterogeneous highly porous structures at various spatial and temporal scales. The complex allows conducting research in a wide range of external conditions. Previously, his tools have repeatedly demonstrated their broad capabilities in the study of promising heterogeneous ultraporous materials of various topologies, as well as their optimization in relation to various efficiency criteria and for various external conditions. For a promising class of the latest high-temperature composite materials, consisting of mullite-corundum fibers, based on the available experimental data, mathematical modeling of spectral-kinetic, thermal and electro-physical characteristics that are difficult to experimentally determine was carried out. Previously, using available information sources, a complete system of initial thermophysical and electro-optical spectral data for heat-resistant substances that form the basis of the indicated heterogeneous fibrous heat-shielding materials was determined. The mathematical model of the complex is adapted for this type of data; the set of its parameters is optimized and reduced. A new version of the software tools of the complex has been developed with expanded capabilities. It allows you to model, to study and to predict a wide range of properties of heterogeneous fiber composites of arbitrary composition. The key parameters influencing the electrical and thermo-physical properties of high-temperature mullite-corundum composite materials have been determined. Based on the research results, specific recommendations were made. In particular, it was confirmed that heterogeneous fibrous materials with a volume fraction ratio of amorphous quartz:mullite = 2:8 formed according to the results of experimentally selected formulations are indeed optimal in composition. Nevertheless, it has been shown that their properties can also be improved in relation to certain efficiency criteria. In particular, it turned out that in order to reduce the total thermal conductivity in vacuum, it is expedient to increase the fiber diameters of the material (for example, by a factor of 1.5 for T = 1300 K). The results of the work clearly show the effectiveness of mathematical materials science as a new tool that significantly expands the possibilities of experimental methods in the development and modification of the properties of promising materials that can be produced in our country on an industrial scale.
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