The presented work discusses the features of the functioning of the thermal control systems of the onboard equipment of Lavochkin’s landers, in particular, such as «Exomars» and «Luna-Glob». To maintain a given thermal regime of E-boхes, so-called non-hermetic instrumental compartments are created within various spacecrafts, where these blocks are placed on a heat-insulated thermal honeycomb panel, which has builtin axial heat pipes, from which, using loop heat pipes, controlled heat removal to radiation heat exchangers is carried out. Radiation heat exchanger is a radiating panel, within which the tubes of the loop heat pipes condenser are evenly «laid». The thermal control system can contain several thermal honeycomb panels, loop heat pipes and radiation heat exchangers. The life cycle of the landers provides for the regular operation of heat pipes (and other heat transfer units), both in zero gravity and in conditions of local gravity (planets), as well as in extreme cold conditions. Moreover, in conditions of gravity, axial heat pipes operate in the thermosyphon mode. Taking this into account, two characteristic features can be determined for the thermal control systems of instrument compartments of Lavochkin landers:
— firstly, the functioning of the thermal control systems provides for constant heating of the honeycomb panel with installed E-boxes, which is performed using «non-detachable» radioisotope heat sources, which are, together with E-boxes, installed on the thermal honeycomb panels;
— secondly, the scheme and principle of operation of the thermal control systems are constructed so that the all its heat transfer units fully function both under gravity (Earth, Moon, planets, or their satellites) and under zero gravity (at the stage of delivery to the research place).
The paper discusses and comments on the technical solutions used in the development of the instrument compartment the thermal control systems for Lavochkin’s landers, such as «Exomars» and «Luna-Glob». The results of thermal vacuum tests are presented, which demonstrate the operation of a thermal control system containing heat pipes, in the modes of minimum and maximum exposure to gravitational forces. A comparison of these modes is given. The operability and applicability of the schematic of the thermal control systems developed by Lavochkin for non-hermetic instrument compartments of automatic landing interplanetary stations were confirmed. Recommendations are given for conducting individual studies, for analyzing the influence of changes in the value of the local gravitational constant on the characteristics of the thermal control systems of the type under consideration.
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