Investigation the possibility of creating a radiation heating facility based on infrared directional emitters


Railyan V. S., Rusin M. Y., Fokin V. I., Terehin A. V., Antonov V. V.

Obninsk Research and Production Enterprise «Technologiya» named after A.G. Romashin, 249031, Russian Federation, Kaluga region, Obninsk, Kyiv highway, 15


The paper analyzes the possibilities of increasing the temperature range of heating installations based on quartz halogen lamps. One of the options for increasing the temperature range of heating is the use of directional radiation sources (using an optical heating scheme) remote from the test object. In this case, not only overheating of the lamps is excluded, but also there is an opportunity for remote measurement of the object temperature by means of pyrometry. A schema of a directional radiation source based on a halogen lamp is presented. The directional radiation source contains a quartz halogen lamp, a mirror parabolic reflector and a lamp cartridge with a focusing adjustment mechanism. Estimated calculations show that using a 250 W lamp, the heat flux density from the source will be 7.8 kW/m2. The temperature of the heating object is 336°C. When using eight sources of radiation density of a heat flux will be 62.4 kW/m2, and the maximum temperature — 751°C. It is shown that at least 134 sources are needed to reach the temperature of the heating object 1800°C. For experimental testing, a directional radiation source and a device with several radiation sources installed on it were created. The design feature of the device is that the radiation sources are installed on a spherical surface, due to which the directivity of all sources to heating object is ensured. An experiment scheme was assembled, including a heating object in the form of a copper plate with a coating with a high degree of blackness applied to the outer surface. The other surfaces of the plate were heat insulated. A thermocouple was installed on the rear surface of the plate. Experimental studies have been carried out with heating of the sample with one and eight radiation sources with a 250 W lamp. The maximum temperature of the sample when heated by one radiation source was from 260 to 295°C, by eight radiation sources — 820°C. The heat flux density calculated on the basis of the sample temperature change diagram from one radiation source was 9±1.5 kW/m2, from eight — 62 kW/m2. The results of the experiments confirm the calculated values of heat flux density and equilibrium temperature achieved using one and eight radiation sources. This suggests that temperatures above 1600°C in the air can be reached.


high-temperature infrared heating, directed emitters, quartz halogen lamps, heat flux density


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