Vortex dynamics problems in thermal physics of complex hydrodynamic systems


Mitrofanova O. V.1, 2

1. ,
2. National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute), 31, Kashirskoe shosse, Moscow, 115409, Russia

e-mail: omitr@yandex.ru


Experimental studies have been carried out to identify the relationship of large-scale vortex motion with acoustic effects in hydromechanical systems, as well as with MHD effects in electrically conductive media. Particular attention is paid to the study of the physical mechanisms of vortex formation. The experiments carried out and the development of physical and mathematical models make it possible to determine the conditions for the occurrence of hydrodynamic instabilities and to develop recommendations for the selection of optimal operating and geometric parameters of gas and hydrodynamic systems that ensure the prevention of resonance phenomena leading to the development of severe accidents. Keywords: hydrodynamics, vortex structures, flow swirl, acoustic vibrations, experimental measurements, resonance effects, liquid-metal coolants, Hartmann flow, physical and mathematical modeling.


hydrodynamics, vortex structures, flow swirl, acoustic vibrations, experimental measurements, resonance effects, liquid-metal coolants, Hartmann flow, physical and mathematical modeling


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