CFD investigation of flow behavior over single rib mounted on the surface of twisted tape insert was performed. Computational modelling was done in commercial software package ANSYS Fluent in three-dimensional formulation. Currently no turbulence model is universal with respect to changes in the intensity of flow swirl. When flowing in such pipes, additional physical effects appear, such as separation and reattachment of the flow, the formation of recirculation zones behind the streamlined rib, which cannot be ignored. A simple increase in the number of additional differential equations for determining the characteristics of turbulence does not solve the problem. For numerical simulation of single-phase turbulent incompressible flow, we used Reynolds-averaged stationary Navier-Stokes equations, closed using two turbulence models. We used the low-Reynolds shear stress transport k-w SST model and the high Reynolds k-ε model in the RNG modification. To discretize the above equations, we used a structured hexahedral mesh with refinement in the regions with high velocity gradients in normal to the wall direction. Calculations have shown that the presence of a rib on the surface of the twisted tape leads to a significant rearrangement of the axial velocity profile. The maximum perturbing effect of the rib is concentrated directly in the places of its interaction with the flow, however, the perturbation also spreads to some distance downstream. In the second part of this study the heat transfer enhancement effect that can be achieved by using uniform roughness of various geometry (installed ribs) on the surface of twisted tapes was estimated. The results of the simulations were verified against author’s experimental data and correlations. For twisted tapes with small rib height, an insufficient mesh density is obviously chosen to resolve the heat transfer simulation, which leads to problems of convergence of the solution. In the case with a large rib height (h = 1 mm), the comparison results give the maximum relative error ±10% for numerical calculations using the low Reynolds model.
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