Thermal analysis of the nanosatellite SamSat-M


Sobolev D. D.*, Simakov S. P.**

Samara National Research University named after Academician S.P. Korolev, Samara, Russia



In current research article structural elements thermal analysis of nanosatellite SamSat-M is investigated. Nanosatellite includes set of service system and scientific payload. This payload represent propulsion unit for nanosatellites, which is developed by Samara University. Current study contains a set of mathematical models. First model describes nanosatellite’s center of masses movement relative to the coordinate system, what is connected with the Earth. Second mathematical model describes orbital parameters of a nanosatellite relative to the Sun direction vector. Third mathematical model describes the thermal state of the structural elements, depending on the heat flows attributable to each construction element. To validate this method Comsol Multiphysics software is used in this work. This package represents an integrated platform for modeling, including all the stages of modeling: from geometry creation, define material properties and describe advanced physics, to the solution customizing and the postprocessing routine, which allows obtain accurate and reliable results. The temperature dependences are obtained for each structural unit of the nanosatellite in the conditions of orbital flight. Analysis of results is conducted in this study. The work (research) is carried out within the project FSSS-2020-0018 financed from the state assignment means given to winners of competition of scientific laboratories of educational organizations of higher education under the authority of Ministry of Education and Science of Russia


nanosatellite, thermal analysis, illumination, mathematical model, orbital motion, propulsion unit


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