Method for calculating the effective area of the thermal stabilization system according to the experimental criteria of heat and mass transfer


Grigorev B. V.*, Shastunova U. Y.**, Grigorevа Y. F.***, Shatalov A. V.****




The future of the Russian Federation is bound up with the High North territory development, because huge reserves of raw hydrocarbons are concentrated in this region. During the design of liquid hydrocarbons storage tanks on permafrost soil (higher than 64—63°N latitude) the crucial task is the temperature stabilization of the soil (force cooling lower than the melting point temperature). An analytical and experimental study made in order to develop the methodology of the cooling pipe (which is underlay the storage tank with hot hydrocarbons) effective surface calculation. The analytic study involved formulation of the heat balance equation of the tank — permafrost soil — cooling pipe system. An equation for the hot tank — soil overall heat transfer coefficient and an equation for the cooling pipelinesoil overall heat transfer coefficient were derived. The hot oil — tank bottom heat transfer coefficient and the cold fluid — cooling pipe wall heat transfer coefficient equations were based on dimensionless equation for forced convection. An analytic expression for the cooling pipe effective surface calculation was presented. A small-scale model of the tank — permafrost soil — cooling pipe system was set up in order to prove the analytic formula. The experiment included three stages. Long-time cooling of the tank model, soil and cooling pipe model without heat agents’ circulation had been doing in the first stage. In the second stage, the hot fluid from hot thermostat was pumped through the model of a tank. In the final stage, the cold fluid from cold thermostat was pumped through the cooling pipe model, digged into the soil. In every stage of the experiment, scanning and logging of a soil temperature field under the tank model was made by means of semiconductor digital thermometers. A logarithmic mean temperature differences between tank model bottom and soil, between soil and cooling pipeline surface were used in the heat-balance equation of the system and were calculated from the temperature logs. Comparison between the analytic equation-predicted cooling pipe effective surface and the cooling pipe surface, used in the experiment, showed a good fit of the equation to the data. It proved and an opportunity for applying proposed formulae for design of the temperature soil stabilization systems under storage tanks within the limits of the experiment.


temperature stabilization, permafrost soil, temperature field, forced convection, cooling surface


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