The fuel system flame-suppressors tests specifics


Lamtyugina A. V.*, Petrov A. S.**, Trofimov A. A.***

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



A technique for fire tests performing of a flame-suppressor type unit, developed within the framework of the emergency-resistant fuel system units designing was considered within the framework of the presented work. The structure represents a housing with the cartridge placed inside of it, which breaks the flow into a set of thin trickles and intensely removes the heat. The flame-arrester thereby prevents the flame from passing through the unit. While preparing the units fire tests program, basic parameters of the tests are being set at the stage of design specification developing and the unit functional determining.

The generally accepted fire tests technique does not disclose the full functionality of flame-arresters and cannot guarantee the operability ensuring of the tested unit when the following operating modes occur:

  1. Setting the flame inside the unit, or on its body

  2. Backfire through the unit (spark suppression)

  3. The flame penetration through the unit in case of its heating.

The above said modes are the most severe for the flame suppressing type units. They may cause the structure integrity violation, and the flame penetration through the unit.

While the pressure increasing in the fuel tank, the fuel discharge through the drainage line starts. The mixture speed and components rate may be different. The probability of the discharged mixture ignition and penetration into the aircraft fuel tanks occurs herewith. The main task of the flame suppressor consists in the flame localization in a specified time.

On the assumption of the purpose of the unit under consideration, the operation mode is as follows:

  1. The fuel-air mixture passes through the flame suppressor.
  2. An open flame appears at the flame suppressor outlet.

  3. The fuel-air mixture should not ignite in front of the flame suppressor.

The most critical operation mode of the flame suppressor will be the mode when the flame as close as possible to or inside the flame suppressor. In this case, the flame «seats» on the unit, and begins heating its casing actively.

If it is necessary that the flame suppressor operates as a spark suppressor so as to suppress individual flamelets at complex temperature modes, the extra studies are advisable.

The presented article considered all nuances of the suggested testing techniques conducting, proposes basic diagrams of the testing installations, describes their advantages and work on the installations of this kind.

The proposed techniques for tests conduction were developed based on the generally accepted technique presented in the State Standard (GOST 53323-2009) and with certainty surpass its functional, allow tests performing for all operation modes, which may arise while the units of the flame suppressor type operation.


flame retardant, fuel system, experimental stands, test methods


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