Experimental study of superconducting transport lines cooling processes


Firsov V. P.1*, Antyukhov I. V.1**, I. , Nosov A. A.2

1. Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia
2. ,

*e-mail: firsovval@mail.ru
**e-mail: cryogen204@mail.ru


The paper discusses experimental methods for studying a new method of transporting energy carriers using a hybrid power transmission line, which consists in combining pipelines for transporting liquefied cryogenic energy carriers with cable power transmission lines, which provides the necessary temperature regime for the operation of superconductors for long superconducting paths. Experiments on liquid nitrogen with a 10 m long model hybrid line confirm the validity of the decisions made. Various methods of chill-down processes and operation of the model line are considered.

Solving the problems of shortage of traditional energy carriers, environmental pollution, congestion of transport arteries is associated with the creation of systems for the simultaneous transportation of hydrogen and electrical energy using advanced superconducting materials. When using lines with liquid hydrogen, it is rational to integrate them with cable power transmission lines (HTS), made on the basis of new high-temperature superconductors (HTSC), in which there are practically no losses. To create such systems, it is necessary to experimentally confirm the efficiency of the decisions made. For research of physical processes and development of technical solutions in SPTM, a cryogenic unit SPTM and a universal cryogenic stand are used. The work performed is aimed at obtaining experimental data on the thermal and hydraulic characteristics of the SPTM during the cooling process and regular operation of the main line. SPTM consists of a transport channel and a temperature control channel. The investigated transport channel with a length of 10 m is made in the form of a main channel with a flow section diameter of 30 mm and an annular channel formed by the main transport channel and a pipeline with a diameter of 50 mm. The main channel is used as a former for attaching the superconducting cable. Thermal processes in the transport channel are of the greatest interest in the cooling down of the HHP. When the SPTM cools down, it is necessary to ensure the uniformity of the temperature fields along its length and along the perimeter of the transport channel. The non-uniformity of the temperature fields in the transport channel can lead to serious thermal deformations leading to the destruction of the superconducting cable, since HTSC materials are extremely sensitive to mechanical deformations. The objectives of this study were: the creation of a method for cooling the transport channel of the SPTM and the experimental study of physical processes using liquid nitrogen as a model liquid in order to select the optimal parameters.


superconductivity, liquid nitrogen, superconducting cable, cooldown time, heat fluxes, hybrid energy system, jet cryostatation system


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