The article presents theoretical relationships of important kinetic characteristics for brittle polymers with cracks under mechanical and thermal impacts, being fundamental of thermo-kinetics studies of polymer destruction process in terms of the time dependence theory of strength-durability. Straight (internal and surface) cracks in plate-type samples and internal circular (disc-shaped) cracks in polymer fibers were considered. Two test modes were considered sequentially: constant tensile stress, constant absolute temperature, the unchanging structure, inactive medium, as well as a more complex mode of purely thermal loading, namely the least developed case in the theory of fracture. Calculated ratios of a number of limiting characteristics and parameters of the destruction process are given. They are safe and critical stress; the initial length of a micro-crack and its relative critical length; safe and critical tension; local stress at the crack tip (in the fluctuation volume); the amount of free surface energy. The above mentioned relations are the basis for the development of the theory of time dependence of strength-durability. Prospects for the further development of the corresponding theories were formulated, with account for the relaxation processes in polymers, as well as their chemical structure and supermolecular organization.
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