Temperature field of a two-phase porous material with penetrating radiation absorbing inclusions in the form of ball layer


Attetkov A. V.*, Gaydaenko K. A.**, Kotovich A. V.

Bauman Moscow State Technical University, MSTU, 5, bldg. 1, 2-nd Baumanskaya str., Moscow, 105005, Russia

*e-mail: fn2@bmstu.ru
**e-mail: kseniyagaydaenko@gmail.com


To overcome the originated difficulties the work suggests the other option of the analytical solution to the problem under consideration. Applying the theory of general integral transformations, the finite integral transformation was developed over the spatial variable for the two-layer area, its core, eigenvalues spectrum and weight function were identified. The obtained results were employed to find analytically closed solution of the problem, represented by the mathematical model under study of heat transfer in the radiation transparent two-phase porous material with absorbing inclusions in the form of the ball layer.

The presented results demonstrate that while performing parametric analysis of the studied temperature field, significant technical difficulties stipulated by the complex nature of the dependence of the core and the eigenvalues spectrum of the developed integral transformation on the parameters of the original model may arise. It is advisable, in this regard, to develop hierarchy of simplified analogues, using the initial model as a basic one, with further determination of the range of possible application of each.


two-phase material, laser radiation, absorbing inclusions in the form of ball layer, temperature field, integral transformation


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