Metastable overheated water atomization: certain results of experimental studies


Zalkind V. I., Zeigarnik Y. A., Nizovskii V. L., Nizovskii L. V.*, Shchigel S. S.

Joint Institute for High Temperatures of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 13, Izhorskaya str., Moscow, 125412, Russia



Experimental study of metastable overheated water atomizing while its discharge into atmosphere from cylindrical and convergent-divergent nozzles at the temperature of 200–260ºC was accomplished. The article demonstrates that an atomized plume has a bimodal structure with a submicron fraction being dominated, which share is increased with temperature and achieved 80% at the convergent-divergent nozzle outlet at the water temperature of 260ºC. The measuring technique employing micro-tubes (optical guides) to minimize the diagnostic laser beam length, and reduce its absorption and multiple scattering intensity by mass of finely dispersed droplets was developed. Evaluations of droplets coagulation degree impact on the droplets share changing along the atomization plume length was estimated.


finely dispersed atomization, overheated metastable water


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