The presented article deals with polymer melt flow while injection casting studying, and quality improving of the part being casted by searching for optimal casting parameters. The high cost of equipment and casting tooling assigns a high threshold for polymer products input into production increasing the price of every error at the development phase. Which is why optimal casting parameters selection for each individual product is one of the crucial problems and tasks of the injection casting method. The problem is being partly solved by computer analysis methods application. The presented work employs the Moldflow software, on which basis studying of tendencies while casting parameters changing by evaluation of the residual stresses, deformation, shearing stress in the melt etc. Melt ejection temperature, casting mould temperature, the time of mould filling, pressure and packing time were selected as the parameters under consideration. A «Quadrocopter сover» part, being manufactured by the injection casting was developed for the analysis. By the result of this study, four sets of parameters were compiled with account the obtained regularities, from which the best one was selected. Thus, the authors managed to achieve the residual stresses reduction, preserving herewith the high quality of the polymer and retaining technological process parameters within the acceptable rate.
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