Inhibitors' impact on afterburning and pollutant emissions forming at high altitudes


Popov V. E.

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



The fuel components after-burning occurs at high altitudes. This is undesirable process since it leads to the strong components emission into the jets and environment pollution in connection with the pollutant emission into the atmosphere.

The research on the inhibitors application has been conducted in this direction. These works studied the additives impact on the fuel components. A decision was made to study the inhibitors impact on the rocket engine fuel components outflow by numerical modeling.

The basic equations were solved with account for the Koner chemical reactions. In early works, the analysis of the jet components with addition of metals (such as, Fe, K, Mo, W, Ba, Sn, Cr, etc.) was performed, which lead to a change in the reactions as they are inhibitors.

With account for McHale’s work where potassium compounds were used as an inhibitor in a rocket engine, the decision was made to study this metal as an inhibitor. Although it has been said that iron compounds wielded even stronger inhibitory effect on afterburning than potassium. However, the studies revealed that iron compounds condensed quickly and ceased to wield a significant effect on reactions.

In connection with the above said, it was decided to supplement the set of Coner reactions with potassium reactions to account for them in the physical process.

From the studies performed in this work, a conclusion can be made that at transitional heights, potassium can be used as an inhibitor, since it allows wielding a blocking effect on chemical reactions occurring in a flame (flame blow-out occurs faster). The presence of an inhibitor reduces concentration of the free radicals that lead to environmental pollution.

An inference can be drawn here from that the potassium employing as an inhibitor in the rocket fuel will reduce environmental pollution


IR-infrared, RE-rocket engine


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