Filling process numerical modeling of a hydrogen cylinder being cooled with liquid nitrogen


Zarubin V. S.1*, Zarubin S. V.1**, Zimin V. N.1***, Osadchiy Y. G.2****

1. Bauman Moscow State Technical University, MSTU, 5, bldg. 1, 2-nd Baumanskaya str., Moscow, 105005, Russia
2. ZAO NPP “MASHTEST”, Korolev, Moscow region, 141070, Russia



Hydrogen application as an environmentally friendly energy carrier that does not lead to harmful emissions into the atmosphere is promising in many engineering areas, including various types of transport. However, while gaseous hydrogen application the necessity of creating cylinders of relatively large weight and volume arises by virtue of its low density. The ratio of the hydrogen limit mass in the cylinder to the empty cylinder mass is called as gravimetric capacity. At present it is customary to consider the value of this ratio no less than 0.055 acceptable for the metal-composite cylinders.

The process of cylinder filling with hydrogen is being accompanied by substantial energy release. Due to the insignificant heat removal through the composite reinforcing layer, it causes a significant increase in the hydrogen temperature, leading to its final density decrease in the cylinder even when the currently accepted maximum hydrogen pressure of 70 MPa is reached. Even with application of the preliminary hydrogen cooling to a temperature of 233 K, its temperature in the cylinder during refueling for three to five minutes is close to the established limit, equal to 358 K. As the result, the density achieved while the cylinder filling is noticeably lower than the regulated one. This leads to the real value decrease of the cylinder gravimetric capacity as well.

To increase the of hydrogen density in the cylinder filled up to the maximum pressure, a cooling system in the form of a coil or a system of cooling pipes can be placed in its cavity. In this case, the hydrogen temperature can be reduced approximately to the level of the coolant average temperature in such system. Liquid nitrogen application as a cooling heat carrier allows more substantial temperature reduction of hydrogen entered the cylinder while its filling. At the pressure of 70 MPa and temperature of 110 K, to which the hydrogen temperature in the cylinder can be reduced by the liquid nitrogen cooling, the gaseous hydrogen density is close to its density of 70.8 kg/m3 in the liquid phase at the temperature of 20.38 K and atmospheric pressure. The higher density achieving with the liquid nitrogen cooling may enhance the application area of such cylinders, if the their reinforcing layer is being covered with thermal insulation layer to slowdown the hydrogen temperature rising after filling completion. Such cylinders, for example, may be employed on the mobile filling stations, or while hydrogen transportation over a distance, requiring limited time for its crossing, which is being determined by the hydrogen temperature growth in the filled cylinder.

The purpose of the presented work consists in substantiating the possibility of temperature reducing of the hydrogen entering the cylinder by placing the cooling system directly in the cylinder. A mathematical model of the thermal mode of a metal-composite cylinder with such a system was developed with account for the thermodynamic and thermo-physical characteristics of liquid nitrogen and hydrogen as a real gas. A possibility of achieving a higher hydrogen density in the cylinder as the result of its filling was substantiated by numerical modeling of the filling process of the metal-composite hydrogen tank of the spherical shape.


metal-composite cylinder, cylinder filling with hydrogen, hydrogen cooling in the cylinder, mathematical model of the cylinder thermal mode


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