On criterion selection for the thermal-pressure chamber selecting for the aircraft thermal-balance tests


Mishin G. S.1*, Lelushkin N. V.1, Basov A. A.2**, Fedoruk G. D.2, Myakochin A. S.3***, Sobolev V. .4

1. Central Research Institute of Machine Building, 4, Pionerskaya st., Korolev, Moscow region, 141070, Russia
2. S. P. Korolev Rocket and Space Corporation «Energia», 4A Lenin Street, Korolev, Moscow area, 141070, Russia
3. Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia
4. Keldysh Research Centre, 8, Onezhskaya str., Moscow, 125438, Russia

*e-mail: MishinGS@tsniimash.ru
**e-mail: sgcherkasov@yandex.ru
***e-mail: amyakochin@gmail.com


The presented work considers the problem of the ground thermal workout of the space technology products and their constituent parts. The experience of such tests conducting and preparing demonstrates that application of the express-criterion, intuitively easy-to-understand for the enterprises’ managing personnel categories making financial and economic decisions, is necessary to make economically viable selection of the thermal-pressure chamber. This criterion herewith should also allow the engineering personnel to perform operative quantitative assessment of the selected vacuum chamber impact on the object under testing from the viewpoint of the extra external heat flow.

The article considers a simple thermo-optic system, consisting of a thermal vacuum chamber and a test object, and on its example shows that a simple geometrical criterion, such as the ratio between the areas of the studied object and thermal-pressure chamber cryogenic screen, can be employed while the thermal-pressure chamber selection. The analytical dependence of the extra incident heat flow falling on the object on the selected criterion was obtained in the problem under consideration with account for the assumptions, such as the absence of conductive couplings between the system elements, as well as the absence of the thermal-pressure chamber elements unshielded by the cryogenic screen.

Numerical analysis of the obtained ratio revealed nonlinear dependency between the extra heat flow value and surfaces ratio of system elements, on which basis a recommended range of criterion values was obtained. Analysis of emissivity and cryogenic screen temperature impact on the value of the additional incident heat flow was performed in the work as well.


spacecraft, thermal balance test, thermal vacuum chamber, radiation coefficient, radiation heat flow, cryogenic screen, emissivity


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