Thermal conductivity anisotropy of additive metals obtained by selective laser alloying on the example of the CL 20ES stainless steel


Kiselev V. P.*, Ezhov A. D.**, Seliverstov S. D.***, Bykov L. V.****, Sotnik E. V.*****

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



Thus, for example, adaptive technologies application acquired wide proliferation due to technological manufacturing cycle curtailment and a possibility of obtaining a singular part of complex configuration. This trend rapid pace development allowed creating a substantial amount of techniques for the final product obtaining, which gives the possibility to produce promptly with high quality the parts of complex configuration in limited quantities.

Due to the fact that additive technologies are primarily the object layer-to-layer building-up and synthesis, the existing technological techniques diversity led to the mechanical properties anisotropy of additive materials, as well as dependence of these properties on production modes. In as much as the presence of the mechanical properties anisotropy is associated with material structure changing as the result of its manufacturing, the authors put forward the supposition, which was later substantiated experimentally, on the thermo-physical properties anisotropy presence of additive material obtained by the selective laser alloying technology.

The study of the difference presence in the thermo-physical properties of the additive material from the manufacturing technology was performed on an experimental setup allowing determine heat fluxes and temperatures in the given sections. The article presents the study of the four samples fabricated from the CL 20EC stainless steel powder by the selective laser technology on the thermal conductivity anisotropy presence. Two samples were with longitudinal orientation of alloying layers, and the rest with transverse orientation relative to the heat flow direction. The temperature values obtained while the experiment with the sampling increment of 0.25 s–1 were being smoothed for the random error reduction. Further, on achieving the stationary mode, average temperature value was being computed for each section with installed thermocouples. Thermal conductivity coefficient was being determined by the known heat flow value and samples geometry size.

The conducted study revealed that the value of the thermal conductivity coefficient of the CL 20ES additive steel in the direction parallel to the sintering planes was 25‒30% higher than in the perpendicular one. The noted difference in the properties of the material entails the need to account for the fact of the anisotropy of heat-conducting properties when designing structural elements manufactured employing the additive technology of selective laser melting.


metal-powder additive technologies, anisotropy, thermophysical properties, thermal conductivity


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