The study of spheres cooling with dimpling and coating


1, Kuzma-Kichta Y. A.2*

1. ,
2. National Research University “Moscow Power Engineering Institute”, 14, Krasnokazarmennaya str., Moscow, 111250 Russia



The article presents a review of works on thermal exchange at both film and transient nitrogen and water boiling on the sphere with dimpling and coating performed by Vladimir Mikchailovich Zhukov.

The semi sphere dimples of 3 mm diameter, 0.5 mm depth and diameter to depth ratio of h/d = 0.17 were being deposed on the copper sphere. The dimples distribution density on the sphere surface was 45%. The low heat conductive coating of 10 microns thickness was being applied on the dimpled sections of the sphere surface. It was revealed that minimal cooling time of the sphere with dimples and low heat conductive coating was 2.5 times less that while cooling the sphere without dimples.

Microporous ceramic coatings were being deposed on the spheres from DT16 aluminum alloy by microarc oxidation (MAO). It was found that the MAO coating leads to the cooling time decreasing due to the heat transfer enhancement at both film and transition boiling, as well as earlier termination of the film boiling. The effects of surface structuring at heated spheres cooling in the water and nitrogen are being compared. The article shows that the MAO coatings forming is a technique for the heat transfer intensification at phase transformations, as well as corrosive resistance in the technical elements.

Specifics of cooling the sphere heated to a temperature above the Leidenfrost temperature in nano-liquid were considered. A coating of nano-particles is being formed herewith on the sphere, and it will change with the process time increasing, which leads to the boiling curve deformation. The nanoparticles effect on the heat exchange at both film and transient boiling strongly depends on the liquid under-heating.

Correlation for the Leidenfrost temperature determining, which accounts for the liquid under-heating and thermo-physical properties of both wall material and medium, is under discussion.


semispherical dimples, film boiling, transient boiling, hemispherical wells, micro-arc oxidation based coating, heat transfer intensification


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