Problems of aircraft engine lubrication systems


Altunin V. A.1*, Altunin K. V.1**, Lvov M. L.1, Shchigolev A. A.1, Aliev I. N.2, Yanovskaya M. L.3

1. Kazan National Research Technical University named after A.N. Tupolev, Kazan, Russia
2. Bauman Moscow State Technical University, MSTU, 5, bldg. 1, 2-nd Baumanskaya str., Moscow, 105005, Russia
3. Central Institute of Aviation Motors, CIAM, 2, Aviamotornaya St., Moscow, 111116, Russia



The article deals with the review and analysis of the problems for aircraft piston and jet engines lubrication systems of single-shot and recoverable aircraft and ground-based power plants. The applied brands of engine aviation oils, their properties and problems during operation under various conditions are considered in detail. The authors propose the ways of improving engine aviation oils and lubrication systems for aircraft engines and ground-based power plants. Patents for inventions of the Russian Federation and other countries, as well as the results of experimental research and patents for the inventions of the authors of the article were widely used. The ways of new additives creating for the engine oils are shown. It was established and justified that one of the negative thermal processes in engine aviation oils was the process of sedimentation. It is due to sedimentation that the engines and power plants resource significantly and unexpectedly reduces, and emergency and dangerous situations occur. It has been experimentally proved that anti-sedimentation additives to motor oils act only up to a temperature of 473 K, and then a precipitate begins to form. The existing and promising methods of sedimentation preventing in motor aviation oils are being described in detail. They are sediment removing, sediment growth limiting, sediment preventing both without electrostatic fields application, and with their application, and hybrid. The trends of magnetic and electrostatic fields application to improve lubrication systems efficiency of new engines and power plants for various purposes and applications are demonstrated. The role of new sensors and systems for thermal processes monitoring in engine oils and in new lubrication systems of engines and power plants is disclosed. Recommendations on the necessity of accounting for sediment formation at the early stage of the new lubrication system for the aircraft engines and ground-based power plants design and development are given to the developers and designers of new equipment. Application of materials of the presented article will to creation of new and promising single-shot and recoverable engines and power plants of dual-purpose with the enhanced characterristics in terms of resource, reliability, efficiency, economy and environmental friendliness.


aircraft engine oil system, engine oil, engine oil additives, problems of lubrication systems, engine oil degradation, additives degradation, sedimentation, heat transfer, electrostatic fields, resource, reliability, efficiency


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