Weiss T. S.1*,
Garyaev A. B.1,
Weiss L. 2
1. National Research University “Moscow Power Engineering Institute”, 14, Krasnokazarmennaya str., Moscow, 111250 Russia
2. Friedrich-Alexander University, Am Weichselgarten 8, Erlangen 91058, Germany
*e-mail: ZuevaTS-1993@yandex.ru
Mixture-formation process optimization in the combustion chamber of automobile engines, which is being drastically affected by the fuel temperature, is important for the CO2 emission reduction of the automobile transport. The presented work deals with experimental study of the temperature impact on the liquid hydrocarbon jets propagation. The experiment was being conducted both without and with the air cross-flow of 5—50 m/s velocity. The hydrocarbons under study were isooctane and ethanol. The direct Shadowgraph and Schlieren methods were employed for the jets propagation visual pattern obtaining. Hydrocarbons heating was of 25—98°C, and injection pressure of 100 and 170 bar. The temperature impact on the expansion angle, range, amount of vapor phase, and trajectory of jet deflection in the cross flow was studied. It was revealed that with temperature growth from 25°C to 98°C the expansion angle doubled in average, the range decreases by 25—27%, and the area of the vapor phase projection area increased by 8.1% for isooctane and by 11.4% for ethanol. It was found that under the cross flow impact ethanol jets deflected much more that the isooctane jets, which might be associated with a more intense evaporation of the isooctane droplets, compared to the ethanol droplets. Three possible mechanisms of the temperature impact on the jets propagation were revealed. They are velocity coefficient changing in the nozzle, droplets size changing and their breakup at the nozzle outlet, as well as the droplets evaporation rate changing, which is the most probable mechanism of the temperature impact on the jets propagation.
liquid spray, hydrocarbons, crossflow, influence of the temperature on the spray propagation, Shadowgraph, Schlieren method
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