Thermodynamic design procedure of an external combustion engine


1, Gortyshov Y. F.1, Popov I. A.1*, Kokhanova S. Y.1**, Latypov R. A.2***

1. Kazan National Research Technical University named after A.N. Tupolev, Kazan, Russia
2. ,



The structure and kinematic diagram of the external combustion rotor engine with offset shafts operation are developed. Expressions allowing computing both increasing and decreasing functions of the hot and cold cavities at the rotor rotation angle variation. The expression for the degree of compression computing in the cold cavity of the rotary thermal machine with external heat supply was obtained. The expression allowing compute total torque of the rotary external combustion engine was determined. Comparative analysis for the torque values of the rotary machine with external heat supply and Wankel engine was conducted. Efficiency evaluation of the external combustion engine with offset shafts operation was performed. Based on the ideal cycle computing for the engine, the processes occurring inside both cold and hot cavities of the thermal machine are described. Thermodynamic parameters of state in the characteristic points of the object were defined, and the expression defining thermal efficiency of the ideal cycle of the external combustion engine under consideration was obtained. The article presents the tech-nique for the ideal cycle computing of the external combustion engine with offset shafts.


thermodynamic calculation, ideal cycle, work, heat, external combustion engine


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