Paleshkin A. V.*,
Zagovorchev V. A.**,
Shemetova E. V.
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia
*e-mail: paleshkin@mai.ru
**e-mail: zagovorchev@gmail.ru
The article considered a model problem on reproducing external thermal loads by an infrared simulator based on a set of emitters installed around the test object at a significant distance fr om it so that each module will be able to participate in irradiation of different by orientation and location heat-sensing elements of the test object. Mesh heaters combined on a cylindrical carcass, along which side surface 16 modules are placed in the five sections equidistant from each other, are being considered as these irradiators. The assumption was made that cylindrical radiating elements of the filament should be replaced by the flat elements with orientation, which allows computing angular coefficients without resorting to cylindrical surface approximation by the polyhedron surface with triangle facets. The above mentioned instances afford grounds for introducing the simplifying assumption that each filament participates autonomously in the tested object irradiation. The problem is being solved in the presented article as one of the inverse problems of the theory of thermal processes control, wh ere the control impact is being formed on account of a certain electrical power distribution supplied to the simulator mesh modules. The results of computational experiments performed on the basis of the developed method render grounds for conclusion that the errors in external thermal loads modeling by modular type mesh radiators on the surface of a product of a simple external configuration are minimal with optimal energy efficiency.
thermal loads, simulation, radiation, spacecraft, net-shaped heater, infrared radiation sources
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