Studying boiling on a sphere surface by gradient heat-metering method


Sapozhnikov S. Z.1, Mityakov V. Y.1*, Mityakov A. V.1, Gusakov A. A.2**, Pavlov A. V.1***, Bobylev P. G.1****

1. Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, 29, Polytechnicheskaya str., St. Petersburg, 195251, Russia
2. Peter the Great Saint-Petersburg Polytechnic University, 29, Polytechnicheskaya str., St. Petersburg, 195251, Russia



The article provides a study of the saturated and subcooled water boiling on the ball surface. The combined method of gradient heat-metering and high-speed visualization became the main research method. The combined technique allowed:

  • Determining the boundaries of the boiling modes such as film, transient and nucleate boiling;
  • Compare the process hydrodynamics with the values of the heat flux per unit area.

The article presents a brief overview of the operation principle of the heat flow sensor and provides the experimental setup description. Experiments in saturated water demonstrated complete agreement with the results of Shiro Nukiyama. The second critical heat flux values obtained in our experiments hit the range of values obtained by a Japanese researcher under the same initial conditions. A significant difference in the intensity of the processes at the north and south poles of the model was obtained. Heat flux graph constructed for a water temperature of 25 and 50 centigrade and the model initial temperature of 350 and 450 centigrade revealed that the heat removal level was being determined by the liquid underheating, rather than the temperature head. A comparison with literature sources revealed a partial matching of the results due to the new research method implementation. In contrast to thermometry, the gradient heat-metering, allows directly fixing the heat flux per unit area. This method has proven itself as a reliable method for studying phase transitions and non-stationary processes.


gradient heat-metering, heterogeneous gradient heat flow sensors, heat flow local density, bubble boiling mode, circular thermograms


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