Thermal mode of metal-composite hydrogen balloon with liquid nitrogen cooling system


Zarubin V. S.1*, Zarubin S. V.1**, Zimin V. N.1***, Osadchiy Y. G.2****

1. Bauman Moscow State Technical University, MSTU, 5, bldg. 1, 2-nd Baumanskaya str., Moscow, 105005, Russia
2. ZAO NPP “MASHTEST”, Korolev, Moscow region, 141070, Russia



Due to its high-energy content and the absence of harmful emissions into the atmosphere when employed in power plants, hydrogen is promising for widespread application in technology. At present, hydrogen as an energy carrier finds more and more widespread application in various types of transport, including cars with electric motors powered by hydrogen fuel cells. Gaseous hydrogen application for these cars at present is expedient when its density in cylinders is more than half the density in the liquid phase. Achieving such a density level of gaseous hydrogen requires development and creation of high-tech and expensive equipment that ensures high values of pressure and flow rate of hydrogen at the cylinder inlet. At the same time, the required level of the gaseous hydrogen density in a metal-composite high-pressure cylinder can bethe cylinder cooling with liquid nitrogen. It follows fr om the quantitative analysis of the mathematical model, describing such thermal mode, presented in this work that it is possible to achieve the parameters of the state of hydrogen in the cylinder, corresponding to the modern level. The process of a high-pressure metal-composite hydrogen cylinder filling, which structure includes a metal liner and a reinforcing layer of composite material, is accompanied by an intense release of thermal energy. Due to the significant thickness of the reinforcing layer with a relatively low thermal conductivity of its material, this energy removal through the cylinder shell is insufficient. Thus, when the cylinder is filled, a significant temperature increase of hydrogen occurs. The existing standards and protocols for refueling provide for preliminary cooling of hydrogen to a temperature of 233 K. However, at a regulated filling rate of the cylinder, the hydrogen temperature in it approaches the set lim it of 358 K. As the result, the hydrogen density and its mass when the cylinder reaches the currently accepted the maximum working pressure of 70 MPa appear noticeably lower than the regulated values, which reduces the predicted mileage of the car at one refueling. One of the ways to increase the final hydrogen density in a filled cylinder is its cooling right in the cylinder cavity, which allows employing hydrogen sources with a pressure lower than the limiting value of the working pressure for which this cylinder is designed when filling it. A significant decrease in the hydrogen temperature in the cylinder leads to its density increase up to the value of 40 kg/m3, regulated at operating temperatures of 293 K and a pressure of 70 MPa, even when the pressure at the cylinder inlet does not exceed 35 MPa. Employing numerical techniques for modeling the process of filling metal-composite cylindrical balloon with the liner cooling system by liquid nitrogen, this work reveals the possibility of reaching the regulated hydrogen density when employing the hydrogen source with the pressure significantly lower than the operating pressure of the cylinder being considered.


metal-composite cylindrical balloon, balloon filling with hydrogen, liquid-nitrogen cooling, mathematical model of balloon thermal mode


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